Ancient wisdom often sounds like common sense now that it is commomly taught. What is some ancient wisdom that we no longer teach because it was wrong?
This question inspired by this post..
This question inspired by this post..
PP_BOY_, Don’t shower because you’ll get water on your brain and go dumb
speck, Dang. Is this brought to us from the same people who believe washing your asscrack makes you gay?
snaprails, Given the increasing popularity of showers over baths over the last several decades this could actually explain a lot.
JakenVeina, Almost anything disease-related, E.G. humors.
nefurious_krankstar, witch burning
walter_wiggles, Yep, better to test if they can swim.
Cannibal_MoshpitV3, Or if they weigh as much as a duck
MajesticSloth, She turned me into a newt!
Cannibal_MoshpitV3, … A newt?
cobysev, …I got better.
unoriginalsin, Afar Just need to know if they’re heavier than a duck.
MonkderZweite, But she coughed nails! Her master’s 6 year old daughter saw the maid do that!
key, The best thing to do when grandma dies is to keep her body under your bed!
spittingimage, In Tonga it’s still a common practice to bury relatives in front of your home.
lemmie689, Babylonian astronomy
DuckPuppet, pretty interesting wiki page, is their 60 base math the reason we still have 60 base time?
Hyperreality, (edited ) Basically, yes. Time, angles, geographic coordinates.
unreasonabro, round things! time being a flat circle, obviously. ;)
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