I tried a big red recently and it just tasted off, like they changed the formula in the last 15-20 years, but was glad to see Barq’s was just as I remembered.
I know I’m going to be in the minority here, but I’ve been on a carbonated flavored water kick for a few years after I realized sugar was killing me. It was a two fold realization that I just really enjoy the fizz and not the sugar.
That said, Polar seltzer-ade with lemon or lime juice is just 🤌 if you’re into carbonated waters
A rarity, but Maine Root has(had?) a drink called “Pink Drink”, a carbonated Prickly Pear Lemonade. I had it at the Austin City Limits festival. It was, without a doubt the most refreshing drink I’ve ever consumed. I usually drink mostly water (free) at the festival, but that year we spent somewhere in the neighborhood of $60-80 just on cups of Pink Drink because we couldn’t get enough of it.
I really, really, REALLY wish they sold bottles of it, but as far as I can tell, it’s only occasionally available and only as a fountain drink.
The discontinued Hansen’s Soda Lemon Mint Green Tea soda. I near bought the whole pallet when it showed up at an outlet grocery store over the course of a summer after college.
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