You’ve cherry picked parts of my argument and disregarded the meat, the heart of it that carried my point.
Your entire argument was (and should) be disregarded when you immediately resort to calling me morally bankrupt by your reducto ad adsurdum argument about your wife, which I actually did address if you read properly.
The opening line was a statement, not an attack. The "you " in the second line is generic, not directed. If I’m not directing at you, why would I feel personally attacked?
If you truly believe that any reasonable person wouldn’t take that as a personal attack then you need to brush up on your English skills.
Like I suggested for, you’re stacking up to be exactly what I would expect a fan of Second Thought to be like, and that’s not a compliment. I offered you a chance to help you dig yourself out of a tankie echo chamber, but if you want to mire yourself in that then by all means go ahead.