Have you ever seen coal burn? If yes, why?
In person I mean.
*Sigh. Not charcoal. Real coal.
In person I mean.
*Sigh. Not charcoal. Real coal.
radix, I did an hour of a metalworking class at scout camp in the 80s.
GreyShuck, We used to have a coal fire when I was growing up, so routinely in the winters.
JimmyChanga, A lot of homes where I grew up still had coal fires, so yes, a lot, but its been a long while since I have seen a coal fire. Charcoal as the other commenter said i still see regularly on bbq’s .
someguy3, Where did you grow up?
deegeese, Don’t go to a lot of BBQs, I take it?
someguy3, (edited ) I’m talking real coal.
Kolanaki, (edited ) Charcoal isn’t coal. There are several types of natural coal and charcoal, and they all have slight differences in density and chemical composition; so they probably all look a bit different when burning. Just like how different brands and types of charcoal can also look slightly different when burning (such as one kind throwing off sparks while it ignites and another that doesn’t).
I’ve never seen natural coal burning. But I’ve seen at least 3 types (not just brands but actual differences in how they are made) of charcoal burn, and they all give quite a different “show” as they do.
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