fubarx, Vodka martini with Dolin dry Vermouth. Lots of crushed ice. Shaken. Poured over green olives stuffed with garlic.
plactagonic, Water, tea and lots of different beers. Clasic work day - today we have to taste what we have in tanks and the tea and water is for staing hydrated.
gregorum, Bourbon. Yes
mokus, NyQuil. No!
vodkasolution, Sbagliato (1/2 prosecco, 1/4 red vermouth, 1/4 campari)
PhlubbaDubba, Water, home made pink lemonade
cmat273, Whiskey and mountain dew lmao
GiantRobotTRex, That reminds me of my college days
aeharding, Tea. Herbal. Hot.
toomanypancakes, Ooh, what kind of tea? Mint is my favorite, but I have a weird mint addiction so I may be biased
aeharding, Lately Sweet & Spicy, otherwise lemon ginger is nice. :)
I like mint but only rarely do I crave it.
PhobosAnomaly, A colleague of mine at a different office that I went to visit asked me if I wanted tea or coffee. “Surprise me”, I said.
I got earl grey tea, with milk.
I was certainly surprised, and it wasn’t terrible by any means, quite refreshing actually. I did feel like I was violating a handful of international tea-drinking etiquette treaties at the time mind.
theatomictruth, Ever heard of a London fog? They’re pretty popular where I am.
PhobosAnomaly, I have not, though I’ll try anything twice 😊
Daxtron2, Local distillery has a mixed drink version of this on draft and it is so good
helmet91, Water; yes.
toomanypancakes, Water is delicious too, good call. Tomorrow you will thank you!
jabathekek, Water gang, reporting in.
toomanypancakes, I made a cape cod with soju, but if I could materialize anything to drink I would have had gin on the rocks
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