Honestly, with ADHD, that can be pretty normal. One day you forget to make your bed and suddenly boom, it’s been 14 years since the last time you did it. Good habits die so easily because they give no pleasant hormones and bad habits come so easily because they give you reward hormones.
I honestly make my bed a couple of times a year. Also there’s a theory that not making your bed is actually healthier because it doesn’t create a warm, moist environment under the blanket for shit to grow in, so I use that as an excuse. But really, I just forget it all the time and don’t care too much.
I absolutely hate the love for revenge violence. Stuff like celebration people running over protestors in their cars because they were forced to stop on the road. Or bleeding out after someone got shot when they robbed a store.
This includes that fact that you can basically guarantee every thread contains at least one comment claiming “play stupid games, win stupid prizes”
I realize this basically makes me satan to a lot of redditors so I never talked about it over there, but I HATED the whole cutesy schmoopsy poem shtick a couple of users would do that everyone would upvote to the top of a handful of threads every day. An AI could be churning out that saccharine doggo speak and nobody would ever know the difference, but people go nuts for it.
Megathreads were an improvement over the same story being posted a hundred times (not an exaggeration).
With regards to the question: the bigotry, the boy’s clubs, the tactics to deliberately exclude some members from the conversation. I doubt Lemmy will avoid them wholesale, but maybe they will be curtailed and limited to a few instances.
When someone would ask a good question that you also wanna know the answer to, but then all the "answers" were just jokes bc everyone wanna get upvotes. I dont really mind jokes but those times it was a bit sad, then sometimes no one would answer for real bc i guess they see 10 replies and assume surely one of them is real already.
Also repost bots.
And apple vs samsung feuds.
And sometimes looked like whenever some people try to organize action or protests, comments just spamming that "protests do nothing" or "voting does nothing," or "what is this gonna do," not suggesting any other solution either, almost like trying to encourage apathy? Or discourage action. Sometimes i wondered if those were bots.
Also the r/wooosh when someone didn't understand a joke. .-.
I remember the days when on reddit, the most insightful and genuine answers would get upvoted, because an upvote was related to the quality of the post, and not the “Meme”.
Dehumanisation. I feel as though people are increasingly becoming ok with other people being punished for their involvement in something that is genuinely wrong/evil/bad. But the people experiencing the steepest punishments are almost never the people with significant culpability for the wrong/evil/bad decisions.
"Just following orders" might not be a great excuse, but punishing pawns for a king's choices isn't an effective deterrent or remedy either.
the black and white mindset… you’re either with the hivemind or against. no room for nuanced opinions. someone posts a stupid strawman argument pro abortion/anti billionaire/etc… you can’t point out the flaw in the logic without being called a sexist racist Nazi.
example: some post about how billionaires should pay 35% tax on their net worth, you point out that people are taxed on their income, not possessions, you’re a bootlicker
As if posting from a mobile device somehow prevents you from using paragraphs and punctuation? Give me a break. You either can't be bothered, which means you're not worth interacting with; or you had to repeat at least a high school English class or two growing up. Either way you need to stop blaming your fucking phone.
There's not a good reason for anyone to blame their phone anymore, but mobile formatting used to be a real issue. Different apps required different amounts of blank lines to actually make a separate paragraph, so people often got giant blocks of text instead on accident, or paragraphs with two lines in between them.
I feel like the lack of karma system will 100% help in this aspect. No reason to comment/post dumb things since you don’t really get anything with your post/comment is at the top.
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