If you want to say anything to the celebrity you are interested in, I suggest an autograph. I once wanted to say 1 sentence to [famous actor] expressing how much their character meant to me during a photo op. I got out 3 words and was ushered off and the celebrity didn’t acknowledge me at all. It was heartbreaking because I didn’t expect anything other than a short $80 (!) moment of their time to tell them, briefly, that they impacted my life.
I’ve had way better luck with autographs and even got pictures staged with 2 people reacting to our cosplay for free. At the autograph table they’re more chatty and have fun with it in my experience.
John de Lancie loves roaming around the autograph lines and trolling people too.
That said, I stopped going to cons about 8 years or so ago due to some life reasons so this information is out of date and YMMV.