Please use content warnings where appropriate
# The use of content warnings on !asklemmy |
Use spoilers for NSFW content that is “within reason” and doesn’t break Rule 1 like this :
::: spoiler My NSFW warning
My NSFW comment or post content
This will look like (click the triangle) :
::: spoiler My NSFW warning
My NSFW comment or post content
The longer version
The community rules which seem to need to be balanced by the mods most are:
- Be nice & have fun, and
- NSFW is okay, within reason.
The site rules also state:
We are not a free speech zone. This CoC lays out expected standards of conduct and behavior. You cannot say or post anything that violates these rules or principles and remain a member of our community. You must follow this CoC. If you are looking for something else, please do. It is not here.
The Moderators are not morality or thought police. Moderators are guided by this Code of Conduct. Post what you want, if what you post follows these rules, principles and the goals outlined above. Not every member of the community will appreciate controversial or explicit posts so use Content Warnings very liberally. We use Content Warnings so community members themselves can decide whether they want to see or engage with a post that may be controversial or explicit.
Bullies, trolls and disruptors are not welcome. We will moderate accordingly.
This is a voluntary community. You chose to be here. When you choose to join, you have implied that you agree with this Code of Conduct and will follow it.
Moderators seek to apply these, sometimes conflicting, rules. In doing so we take the balance of probabilities approach. The majority of comments which have been removed to date have been a clear breach of community Rule 1, however sometimes balancing the requirement to be accepting of NSFW content and the requirement for participants to be nice can be difficult. To make this easier, posters and commentors are encouraged to use the spoiler functionality in markdown to create a content warning on asklemmy. Posts that use a spoiler are less likely to be removed when considering whether they are “within reason” NSFW.
To create a spoiler, use three colons “:” followed by the word “spoiler” and then the warning text to create a content warning. Type your comment(s) on the lines below and then three colons at the end to end the spoiler.
::: spoiler My NSFW warning
My NSFW omment or post content
This will look like (click the triangle) :
::: spoiler My NSFW warning
My NSFW comment or post content
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