What is the name of your cleaning robot?
What name have you chosen for your robot and why?
My Roomba is called Ramiro, after my slightly alcoholic uncle.
What name have you chosen for your robot and why?
My Roomba is called Ramiro, after my slightly alcoholic uncle.
nezbyte, Robot. I hope it remembers me fondly for not humanizing it when the uprising begins.
i_am_not_a_robot, ![]()
Same, and sometimes “my little robot friend”.
MedicPigBabySaver, Skynet
user224, ![]()
I don’t have any, but if it had that laser thing on top, I’d call it Geoff, referencing the DIY electric car from top gear
Codilingus, Before it died, Eugene the Eufy robot.
KISSmyOS, Wife
TedZanzibar, Elliot, after the main character from Mr. Robot.
ReadingCat, “Our Maya”, because that’s the name of my grandmother’s cleaning-lady we never met her, but we heard probably more stories about “her maya” than about my grandfather.
smrtprts, Robert (with a French accent)
wal_kr, Crushinator
I just thought it was kinda neat
Waldemar_Firehammer, Kreacher because it alerts for no reason and doesn’t do a good job at the one thing it was made for.
LuckyDuck, Daddy, Mama and Baby. (Shark brand)
NotSteve_, Danny “The Trashman” Devito
vodkasolution, I’d call it Taylor Swiffer
oNevion, Dj Roomba as a reference to PnR. And Disco, DJs older brother
AlternateHuman02, Mr Roboto, so we can tell him domoarigato :)
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