Because I prefer to create. I like to make YouTube videos, downloadable audio clips of my journaling, etc.
This is going into a rant but it will come back to the point.
There is a visceral hatred for small creators for some reason and there almost always has been since 2000ish. It always comes with this sinister idea that you’re only doing it to make money. Meanwhile anybody that has made art/content realizes making it large is like getting into a professional sports team - we can all play for the love and impossible dream but we’re never going to make a penny, in fact it’s going to cost us far more to create the content than we will ever see returned.
If you are tiny and you post your own efforts, apparently you’re spamming your channel for that fat payday. My channel with 800 subscribers, daily videos, and a million views didn’t pay for my microphone.
But if you’re a big site that probably doesn’t need the exposure as much as the smaller would appreciate, that’s fine for people to post.
We’re living in the beginning of the post-social media world, I lived in the BBS days so I’ve seen a lot. I really think it’s time to intentionally go back to small forums, small content creators, hobbyists, and fuck the big boys already. They have carried their nonsense as far as they can go and it’s just not going to work anymore especially with the rise of AI trash content.
But to the answer the question, it’s disheartening, and a bit of a waste of time to try to post your own content and that’s all I’m really interested in posting. It’s too exhausting being beaten down continually and criticized just for wanting to add something to the world and share.