My mother-in-law will essentially only eat things that are seasoned with salt. Nothing else. Not even pepper. I got her to eat a miso soup once, but that's still mostly salt-flavored.
Lol I was just listening to a podcast and one guy said he doesn’t like “wet” foods. And everyone quickly pointed out that he puts hot sauce on everything. But he didnt’ consider that “wet”.
Oh no, I loooove soup. I’ve been fighting off a cough for the past month and have been eating so much soup and just drinking broth. Chicken broth with a splash of soy sauce is delicious, lol.
Ooooh yes soup when you’re sick is wonderful! I dunno if it helps any, but I always have copious amounts of soup and broth when I have a respiratory illness. I hope you feel better and enjoy the soup!
I worked at a high school program for a few years (after school, spring break, etc) and there was a student who REALLY ate plain - white rice with nothing else, pasta with nothing on it. We called it the white diet. I remember we got pizza once but don't remember what he did with it.
I travelled with a study buddy to south-east asia where food is just amazing. He ate McD every day and even refused to try the food. So we went to eat and after we finished had to find a garbage fast food location so he could have his crappy burger. I separated from him after one week. He checked in at a 3star hotel all inclusive while I travelled the country alone. Best decision ever.
I can’t imagine going to another country and just not eating the local food. I am from the US but I used to live in Japan and that’s probably what I miss most, the huge variety of Japanese food.
Fast food veggies are gross. The lettuce is slimy, the tomatoes are flavorless mush.
And they put too much of their excessively sweet ketchup on those burgers. It’s messy and gross. Even as a kid, it was disgusting, and the pickle, too. Fast food burgers are way too soggy. Especially if you’re not eating it in the next 30 seconds.
(There’s a reason I don’t do fast food anymore.)
Asking for it plain isn’t being picky at all. I once new a guy who would insist on medium, half salt, double cheese half lettuce. And no. The salt thing wasn’t a medical thing. He’d scarf full salt fries.
Road tripping with that guy was “fun”
The reality is, ordering something the way you like it isn’t bejng “picky”. You’re buying food. It’s when you send a burger back five times because it keeps getting messed up because you’re order is freaking insane that it turns into “picky”.
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