It boils down to two things: inexperience (apparently 8GB of RAM might be enough? Just to name one issue wih my build haha) and I’ve already maxed out my main PC’s expansion slots.
I have a compact case, which is already housing two HDDs (a “landing” HDD, where I store and keep all the… Linux ISOs… until they reach a satisfactory ratio of upload, which has a 2y uptime and just recently encountered its first uncorrectable sector error, and a 2TB HDD where I keep my stuff, including the aforementioned… ISOs…, my GOG games and other media. This 2TB is backed up on a 2TB external drive, and it’s already full). Since this 2TB internal is full, I plan on moving some files to a different external HDD so I can stuff more things in it, but that leaves me with no backups for this stuff I want to move; this second external HDD is very small (650GB) so moving that stuff will make it full and I’ll have no chance to add onto that collection.
It’s a pretty unorganized situation and if I could get rid of all internal HDDs I could get rid of the HDD harness and fit a fan instead, also reduce noise.
In addition to this, I have yet to understand whether or not external drives can sustain “high” rates of writes (when I download GOG games, for example, it can easily add up to 100GB in a day) and reads (I usually seed… Linux ISOs… for tens to hundreds of GB a day). Of course these numbers arent’t for everyday, some days I download nothing for example, other days I don’t even turn on the PC.
powerful machine
And I even went for the cheapest parts I could get haha! Only way to make it less powerful is getting an Intel CPU, like the datahoarder wiki suggests, based on LGA 1150/1151, I can get one for like $20, but I can’t find used motherboards for a decent price, all around 130. That’s why I picked an AM4 platform: parts more widely available.
raspberry pi
Checked it out, unfortunately it’s out of stock in all the licensed retailers in my country. It does sound like a nice starting point, though, so I will keep an eye out for it to be restocked, but since it uses external drives I’m back to the previous question: are external drives sturdy enough to sustain the amount of data I write and read daily?
no GPU
Wait, how can you turn it on and configure eveything necessary on it without graphics? Is it all done remotely via a main machine?
Sorry for the wall of text! And thanks again for the help!