Are we really worst off without Pop-White-Feminism from a website that made articles about the virtue of beating their boyfriends? Eeerh… I don’t known, I’m not convinced.
And I know it’s the example everyone jumps to, but there’s a good reason why. This is still up. It was never taken down. Which means that it was okay to post and okay to keep up for them. No one thought there was something wrong with it.
Let us not lose the sight of the fact that this is yet another fucking series of layoffs in this space. We are talking about people who just lost their whole fucking career, some of them worked there for years and now it’s gone.
These are people whose life has been turned upside down because of poor management and greed from the parent company. And this is nor funny, nor worth celebrating, nor anything good at all. It’s just depressing. It’s just something that keeps on fucking happening again and again.
I wish them luck. Maybe they can get together and form something independent and worker owned. Like a bunch of gaming journalists recently did. Because we are in a world where anything even remotely creative or artistic is bound to be fucked over cynical monetary reasons…
Yeah, I don’t see it. Jezebel was mostly pop journalism with an at times dubiously feminist leaning. To prop them up not only as a valuable news source but ‘one of the last remaining feminist institutions’ is just silly. There are better, much more rigorous feminist news sources out there that aren’t focused exclusively on click-bait and outrage fuel.
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