i’m gonna go out on a limb and wager that this is an utterly insignificant effect compared to how healthy it is to eat fruits.
Like obviously people have been healthy while consuming banana smoothies, you’re probably going to suffer more from stressing out about minute stuff like this than any possible negative health effects consuming it could bring…
Sebastian Lege. You probably won’t understand him (he’s German), but he is both a cook and an industrial food designer. So he “cooks” things you can buy in the supermarket and shows the ingredients that industry uses for this. Like using sulphuric acid, acetic acid, and isopentyl alcohol to make a banana milk…
The short answer is yes, you should worry about them. Are they ok in moderation? Sure. Are they ok when they are the main staple of your diet? Absolutely not.
For those that don't know what the term means:
Ultra-processed foods are made mostly from substances extracted from foods, such as fats, starches, added sugars, and hydrogenated fats. They may also contain additives like artificial colors and flavors or stabilizers. Examples of these foods are frozen meals, soft drinks, hot dogs and cold cuts, fast food, packaged cookies, cakes, and salty snacks. - source
Ultra-processed foods don't really contain any actual food. They are derived from food, but they have basically been stripped of all of their naturally occurring nutrients.
There are quite a few studies out there that show that while eating an ultra-processed diet people tend to eat a fair amount more calories (I've seen multiple places say 500 more calories) per day than when eating whole foods, or minimally processed. They also tend to gain weight (over a surprisingly short period of time), have higher incident of cardiovascular disease, had higher increase in fat and carb consumption, but not protein, and high incident of some cancers.
I'd also add that most people probably feel A LOT worse when eating ultra-processed foods. Just observation on my part, but people who eat terribly seem to lack energy, and seem to struggle more with things like sleeping, exercise, etc.
A lot of ultra processed foods are also ultra palatable foods so they’re high in fat, sugar and salt and very hard to stop eating. They’re also calorie dense so you eat past the point where you might become full with less calorie dense foods. I read this article earlier today and really liked it except that I thought the author went a little light on the judgement against this type of food manufacturing. Yes, we really do live in a world where it can be hard to both find and prepare “real” food, but the consequences of a western or specifically American diet have proven to be pretty intense.
I bought some to try making aloo gobi after I saw this video(prior to the bon appetit contraversy) . I didn’t really like the smell, but the aloo gobi was ok. Maybe the one I bought just isn’t very good?
Get as many different kinds of curry-powder as you can find,
& then simply try whichever of those smell good for you.
You choose the ingredients, otherwise.
It may well be that cumin’s bad for your Ayurvedic type, your specific metabolism.
Whatever metabolism I’m in now, I hate seafood, yet I have kombu, and can’t stand Japanese Soy Sauce ( too seafood-like ),
yet I loved Japanese Soy Sauce on lots of stuff, until a couple of years ago.
1 time my metabolism changes such that orange-juice went from being wonderful to being aweful, in about 2 days.
Read Frawley’s “Ayurvedic Healing”, & do the experiment of trying alternate-pairs of dishes, where 1 of each pair is
ingredients that are pacifying for your metabolism-type
& the other of the pair is
ingredients that are aggravating for your metabolism-type
The ingredients-lists in that book are the ONLY all-correct lists I’ve ever encountered.
( all those who claim that the existence of charlatains in Ayurveda “proves” that Ayurveda, itself, is bogus, …
… well, notice that they SIMULTANEOUSLY say that the existence of mega-Ivermectin-for-Covid charlatain M.D.'s do not falsify the validity of Western Medicine.
The “logic” that “the existence of some charlatains” somehow falsifies a system they don’t honestly represent, is, itself, false, in BOTH cases, equally.
WHEN one sticks to the objectively-validatable ingredients-lists in Frawley’s “Ayurvedic Healing”, THEN one gets consistently correct results.
Evidence-based knowing.
To understand the different metabolisms better, add & read Frawley & Kozak’s “Yoga For Your TYPE” book.
Vasant Lad seems trustworthy, too,
and “PaleoVedic Diet” is generally right, but that damn Ajwain, I won’t ever put more than 1 single seed in any person’s food, because the terpenes in 'em are too strong.
For terpenes, instead of Ajwain, now I use a couple of pine-needles per day.
A bit odd, but they do seem to help my health.
& if terpenes, in the right dosage, are good for one’s health, then this should be good.
Some American Indians used to prevent scurvy with eating 'em or brewing 'em as a drink, apparently. )
PS: Indian cooking is insanely diverse.
You could probably cook a different recipe every day, for the next 500 years, without repeating one of 'em.
Look at the cookbooks…
PPS: the best cookbooks in the world are usually the America’s Test Kitchen cookbooks, but they won’t do the experiment for Ayurvedically-appropriate-ingredients-for-a-specific-person’s-metabolism, and they don’t have an Indian cookbook, that I know-of.
Anyways, you do the experiments, & you discover what you discover!
Slow cooker needs liquid. The pork will produce some but you need to start with some. Did you start with a recipe from the net? That is the safest way to try something new.
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