Female students at Dhaka University (now-Bangladesh, then-Pakistan) protesting for Bengali language rights, 1953 (lemmy.world)
South African diamond miner being x-rayed at the end of his shift to prevent theft, 1954 (lemmy.world)
Captain Nieves Fernandez, Filipino guerilla leader and former school teacher, demonstrates to a US soldier how she used her long knife to kill Japanese occupying forces, WW2, 1944 (lemmy.world)
American professor standing beside two massive guards of the personal retinue of the Maharaja of Kashmir, 1903 (lemmy.world)
Photo of the Pamir, one of the last commercial sailing ships in operation, picture taken in 1905, last sailing trip around Cape Horn in 1949 (lemmy.world)
Stockholm on 'H-Day', when Sweden swapped from driving on the left-side of the road to the right, 1967 (lemmy.world)
British blacksmith on an anti-slavery patrol boat removing leg irons from a freed slave off the coast of Mozambique, 1907 (lemmy.world)
American pilot Gail Halvorsen throws candy to German children during the Berlin Airlift, 1949 (lemmy.world)
US airmen being escorted by allied Chinese villagers after ditching their plane in a raid on Japan, WW2, 1942 (lemmy.world)
Etruscan rhyton in the shape of a dog's head, terracotta, 475 BCE (media.mas.to) Photo: Museo Nazionale Etrusco