Members of the 101st Airborne Use Bayonets to Push Back Angry Mob of Segregationists. Little Rock, Arkansas. 1957 (
The only known black soldier of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Simon Perris (also called Ali Mahmud), 1915 (
American soldiers 'riding' a wooden cutout donkey, with "To Hell With Hitler" written below, 1940s (
Crimean Tatars being herded onto trains for deportation by the Stalinist regime, where 22-40% would die after 5 years of forced labor and resettlement, 1944 (
Lepa Radić, Yugoslav partisan, before her execution by the Nazis after refusing to reveal the names of her comrades, 1943 (
Soldier of the Turkish Brigade showing American comics to a girl, 1951, Korean War (