Czechoslovakians celebrating the fall of the Soviet-backed regime after the Velvet Revolution, December 31, 1989

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CSS Virginia was the first, but not last, steam-powered ironclad warship built by the Confederate States Navy during the American Civil War. It was constructed from the original lower hull and engines of the scuttled steam frigate USS Merrimack. CSS Virginia famously took part in the Battle of Hampton Roads, opposing the...
The Church Committee sought to investigate abuses and reign in the CIA, FBI, and NSA. This committee would reveal controversial programs including MKULTRA and COINTELPRO....
The soldier on the left of the photo is holding an M20 series “Super Bazooka” which fires a 3.5 inch HEAT round, the M28 series , with a setback armed, base detonating fuse....
Quick wikipedia summary: Soon after the construction of the Berlin Wall in August 1961, a stand-off occurred between US and Soviet tanks on either side of Checkpoint Charlie....
The 1956 Hungarian revolution was the first major armed conflict that featured the AK rifle, and the first conflict in which it was used by both sides. The photo above shows an anti-Soviet Hungarian revolutionary named József Tibor Fejes with a captured AK....
I’ve known about these for a long time now, but seeing one actually carried is real Looney Toons shit, I love it.
Straight out of “Abe’s Exodus”. Time to crush some Sligs?
He spent his later years as a university mascot, and died peacefully in his sleep in 1926
Flower Power is a historic photograph taken by American photographer Bernie Boston for the now-defunct Washington Star newspaper. It was nominated for the 1967 Pulitzer Prize. Taken on October 21, 1967, during the National Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam’s March on the Pentagon, the iconic photo shows a...
Rudy Boesch was a UDT Frogman who became one of the first SEALs. He become a minor celebrity later in life by appearing on two seasons of the TV show Survivor....