Two men posing with a 'Punt Gun', a kind of shotgun for hunting waterfowl in large quantities, 1923 (
Treffaswagen prototype tank, WW1, 1917 ( Straight out of “Abe’s Exodus”. Time to crush some Sligs?
Antarctic explorer stands atop an iceberg, with active volcano Mt. Erebus in the distance, 1911 (
Weekly wartime ration for two British civilians, excluding bread, fresh vegetables, and some canned goods, WW2, 1943 (
Two explorers looking at their ship, 'Terra Nova', during an Antarctic expedition, 1911 (
Mary Smith, paid weekly for shooting dried peas at workers' windows to wake them for their shifts, Britain, 1930s (
'Knocker-Upper' in Britain, a method of waking people up for their work shifts before reliable/cheap alarm clocks, 1915 (