Mick_Endzy, 1 year ago (edited 1 year ago) https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fstatic.wikia.nocookie.net%2Ffcoc-vs-battles%2Fimages%2F4%2F41%2FScaryScooby.jpg%2Frevision%2Flatest%2Fscale-to-width-down%2F550%3Fcb%3D20230226184738&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=601e0f4fba6e32e141f9946f6433091a92765e8a4566f14edcbbffac3c84a7ee&ipo=images In case I'm useless with technology now and the above image doesn't show up, the dog's faced reminds me of the AvocadoAnimations Scooby Doo skit on YouTube.
In case I'm useless with technology now and the above image doesn't show up, the dog's faced reminds me of the AvocadoAnimations Scooby Doo skit on YouTube.