drndramrndra, 1 year ago I thought I would stick with Debian There’s your first mistake. Don’t run a server distro on a workstation if you don’t want to deal with it’s downsides. I haven’t been able to make my printer work in it Read the CUPS Arch wiki page do you people think Ubuntu will work for me? Fuck Ubuntu. Use Mint if you want to try something Ubuntu based. I’ve recently went through a bunch of stable distros and Nobara had the best experience out of the box.
I thought I would stick with Debian
There’s your first mistake. Don’t run a server distro on a workstation if you don’t want to deal with it’s downsides.
I haven’t been able to make my printer work in it
Read the CUPS Arch wiki page
do you people think Ubuntu will work for me?
Fuck Ubuntu. Use Mint if you want to try something Ubuntu based.
I’ve recently went through a bunch of stable distros and Nobara had the best experience out of the box.