Clevo Laptop doesnt boot any Linux USB sticks? partitions not found, fstab errors and all?
I am trying out a Clevo MZ41, pretty interesting machine. It is coreboot supported (Dasharo, in the future also Heads) which is exciting.
But I cant boot any live Linux? I tried Fedora Media writer and KDEs iso image writer. I tried Fedora KDE and KDE Neon (you see a trend haha) and also Ventoy.
These sticks normally always boot up, but here I get Dracut timeout, partition /root not found etc.
In the insydeH2O Bios I already disabled Secureboot entirely (not even needed, that Bios is awesome I can even deploy my own keys and all). Nothing changed.
<span style="color:#323232;">Warning: /dev/disk/by-label/Fedora-KDE-Live-38-1-6 does not exist
</span><span style="color:#323232;">Warning: /dev/root does not exist
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">... emergency mode ...
Anyone know whats going on here?
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