Moshpirit, Please, share your dots file
Quills, Ah yes, it looks perfect good job!
sagrotan, I’m curious about the fluxbox though.
BeatTakeshi, Nice light… dm
OddFed, Well, a humorous fauxpas! While others just find it amusing, I, cannot refrain from teaching that GNOME is actually a so called Desktop Environment! A computer program to be installed on your home PC.
Lifter, That’s not a desk though
PlantDadManGuy, Reminds me of that sidequest in fable 2 with the evil gnomes.
BigBlackCockroach, Gnomes are fun in a mischievous way, but don’t let them fool you they do have very sharp teeth!
I learned this the hard way on a heroic dose…🍄🍄🍄🍄👁👁👁👀👀👀👀👁👁👁👀🦷🦷🦷🦷🦷🙈🙈🙈🙈
WeLoveCastingSpellz, Gnome if was good
KISSmyOS, Watch out, the KDElves won’t like that at all!
Veneroso, The XFCEsketeers have asked for a pause on the puns.
cupcakezealot, it’s david but with a happier ending
Maalus, You’ve all been gnomed. And you celebrate.
lemmesay, rare picture of gnome 35.
Gnomie, hello to all my gnomies
maniacalmanicmania, (edited ) Your gnome collection looks great in that light. Now I want some.
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