Whenever i need to use windows, i leave it on a separate drive, and then just point a rEFInd entry to it. It really frustrates me, that Windows just expects full advocacy over your hardware, and performs changes like this without any warning
It’s not exempt from happening; however, it rarely ever updates and has less complexity/functionality than grub, which makes it less prone to error happening (be it from the developers, or from the user like me trying to theme it :))
Honestly, when I learned that rEFInd supports loading dxe modules natively I swapped and never looked back (NVMe boot drives on ancient computers, my beloved)
Seems familiar. Did you by any chance also not update the copy of grub in your EFI system partition since you installed it? Then you need to do that and afterwards everything works fine again.
While you are at it add a netboot.xyz EFI entry to fix that kind of stuff without a USB stick or your own network boot server.
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