Moderation log
WARNING - The Modlog may contain unpleasant or distressing content that has been removed by moderators. Please exercise caution.
Imotali has removed a comment by
Derproid -
I literally just meant the idea of being transgender but just fuck you.
Imotali has removed a comment by
Derproid -
I literally just meant the idea of being transgender but just fuck you.
Imotali has removed a comment by
AngryBear -
Go move to Saudie Arabia or Qatar or some middle eastern country, any country in Africa or Asia. Now come back to the west. Get over yourself. You don’t live in a patriarchal society, and you have never been more free in any time in the entire history of mankind, as either male or female, or...
Imotali has removed a comment by
AngryBear -
Go move to Saudie Arabia or Qatar or some middle eastern country, any country in Africa or Asia. Now come back to the west. Get over yourself. You don’t live in a patriarchal society, and you have never been more free in any time in the entire history of mankind, as either male or female, or...
Imotali has removed a comment by
Pixlbabble -
Ladies you wouldn’t have a problem when you want to get away from dick and can’t, right?