Lets be realistic

Shardikprime, By doing this you just pushed the release until the end of baryonic age
Phegan, I’ve promised myself I wouldn’t buy star citizen until release.
I am never buying star citizen.
ddeet, test
Sinnz, Pretty optimistic if you ask me
Ciel, ![]()
time obviously is a log scale here
RoyaltyInTraining, ![]()
I have forgotten about it and later rediscovered it so many times now
FunkyMonk, It will leave behind a great legacy of making every carpet bagger with a glint in their eye a game dev kickstarter... and like a dozen crowdfunded gems.
A_Very_Big_Fan, I doubt it’ll ever get out of beta tbh
TootSweet, Star Citizen’s just a shitty remake anyway.
Decoy321, The pinnacle of gaming.
DmMacniel, Capstone is that old, yeah? Even before they were doing shitty doom clones, they were doing shitty asteroid clones.
atocci, ![]()
It's all been downhill since then
DmMacniel, And then you can’t even destroy asteroids by shooting them. What a rip off!
Anyway I’m out buying another Idris.
ryannathans, You can destroy them by crashing into them so I wonder if a size 10 bomb would work? Armageddon style
DmMacniel, Perhaps when you have atmosphere, because bombs refuse to drop otherwise :)
ryannathans, You can take them out with the tractor beam and detonate them on demand
DmMacniel, you can?
ryannathans, Yeah pretty much all ordinance can be removed/replaced/refilled with tractor beams now
DmMacniel, yeah but certainly not detonated.
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