But traditionally women weren’t allowed to portray women. Men had to dress in drag to portray women. If they are all for traditional values then I demand more dresses on more men.
Except when it comes to time to practice said traditional values. Then its “You need to live ??? miles away from your current home to work and break up your family”, “You must drive this late 19th century 2-ton death machine to get anywhere.”, “You can only afford to eat this synthetic imitation bread.”, “Everything must have lactose in it, or our economy will suffer.”, “We need to get used to the new normal of regular shootings, to do otherwise is an attack on our freedoms and our…”
Reminded me of an old joke, (no idea it’s origins.)
A programmer finds a genie -
genie “You have 3 wishes”
Man: “I wish for a trillion dollars”
Genie “done”
Man “I wish I had a hot girlfriend”
Genie “dude just ask your crush.”
Man “I’m scared of planes, so I wish for a bridge to Hawaii so I can drive there”
Genie “come on, do you realize how much engineering and logistics that will take. Not to mention all the international permits I’ll have to deal with. Try something easier”
Man “okay, ummm…I wish my program UI was understood by everyone who uses it”
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