It´s common knowledge that there are people who get paranoid when smoking weed. It depends on individual predisposition. Luckily I am not one of those poor people :)
Then please consider not using cannabis at all, my dude. There are theories that with certain individual predispositions, cannabis use can promote the outbreak of permanent, severe mental health issues, like paranoia and anxiety. Be save.
The urge exists a lot of times and I already am trying to quit cannabis. I often times notice how productive I was when I decided against cannabis use at the end of the night and could peacefully go to sleep earlier compared to cannabis use.
(I was a weekly user only or nearly monthly but never daily)
But even when I notice this pattern and understand it, I still have the urge that it will be a nice experience, even when often times its just barely doing something because of tiredness. It begins mostly with paranoia as this may be something I should memories for the next time I get an urge.
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