AyuTsukasa, Nothing better than a “just so you know what’s going on” email
tdawg, What meme would be for auto-archiving it?
mp3, The proper emailing etiquette is to CC people who don’t need to take action (informational) while those who are emailed directly are expected to do something. At least that’s how I operate.
Track_Shovel, Oh I’m aware; just more hoping it doesn’t turn into a thing later
Hildegarde, I BCC because I’m stealthy.
iconic_admin, Emailing aside, how did the horse get into that position? Is he walking through a horse tunnel?
AnUnusualRelic, I emailed him to ask for clarification.
Reverendender, Who did you cc though?
akariii, not me, that’s for sure
yumpsuit, Hamas cavalry
Kase, I did not expect I’d be laughing at a Israel/Hamas joke today. Well done
Noodle07, Looks like a stable Base of operation
BananaPeal, (edited ) Bad Horse is watching you masturbate.
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