I don't want more issues
I already get them for free
I already get them for free
Peekystar, Okay, but what if some billionaire bought all the issues? Would that leave us with no issues because the billionaire paid to have them offloaded onto them, or low-quality issues because the billionaire now hogs all the premium paid issues?
Steamymoomilk, Issue Premium
hai, Y’all have been paying for them!?
BigDaddySlim, Stop finding flaws in my business, I’m trying to unload these issues goddammit
Dirk, Why pay if you can get them for free?
Hupf, Atlassian’s pricing really has become quite steep lately.
drolex, I got 99 problems and one of them is that I lost £165 stupidly
doublejay1999, Take it.
3 of anything for £5 is a good deal in this economy.
bappity, (edited ) Twilight sparkle that one time be like
DmMacniel, Imagine ponyville being totally serene with no issues whatsoever and you need to file a friendship report…
Make shit up!
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