Had a bad situation with an employer that claimed to support people with mental health issues right in their job posting. They gave me more work by putting everybody else they wanted to get rid of on weekends and cut the amount of staff and made us all cover each other’s jobs. In a call center where each job took at least a month of training. We were given a day’s worth for each. Well I finally snapped after 6 weeks when I got literally yelled at by some vip for not knowing how to do a job where I wasn’t trained in. And it wasn’t like they weren’t given warning. I had been talking to them trying to tell them I’m too stressed out to do this. My punishment for trying to reach out for support was for them to cut my pay but not the additional tasks they forced upon me. I walked out on them immediately after they punished me. This was a place that was toying around with not paying us for bathroom breaks. And I’m pretty sure working here hurt my chances at other job offers because I’ve had several interviewers see that company in my resume and roll their eyes when they ask about it because they’ve seen so many burnouts from that place they didnt want to risk another one.
Fuck this stupid fucking world. Fuck everything. I’m ready to just quit. There’s nothing I can do to make my life enjoyable anymore. The game is rigged and they’re not even trying to pretend it’s not anymore.