The FBI don’t need a back door, they just to find the plaintext default password some unpaid intern built into the product for testing purposes before Russia does.
I present Dual_EC_DRBG as a great example of “you can’t trust shit”
But also CPUs and motherboards may be compromised too. Whether it’s by China or the US… It’s a plausible thing. Intel IME and AMD Secure Processor amongst others…
Yes, out of hundreds of people who read horrible spelling and grammar, 2 or 3 might complain. If you ask me, the ratio is pretty low. For example, often posts will have a very short title but still manage to contain at least one obvious mistake. If people are going through the trouble of posting at all, you’d think they could be bothered to read back over the three words they wrote instead of mashing the post button without doing so.
Yeah most non-native speakers never get this wrong. I wonder if it’s because non-natives learn the language in a structured environment like school, whereas native speakers learn it by absorption, and everyone speaks english long before starting school?
Or maybe it’s just because the American education system is absolutely fucked
the American education system is absolutely fucked
I’ve always felt it’s a cultural issue. Just about every kid I knew thought that school was the worst prison imaginable. It was something to hate. If you disagreed with that, you were a “nerd” and should be mocked and bullied for it. That was reflected in the media at the time I grew up too.
What I don’t really get though is how people can read plurals every day 100 times with their own eyes and still not internalize how they work.
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