Certain words over time become offensive and should no longer be used. I would ask you not to use the term “shareholders” I don’t believe it is appropriate. Try other terms that are more accurate and less offensive. For example “slave holders”, “Evil bastards”, or “Fucking capitalists scum ruining the world for everyone”.
Locally especially among the rednecks, the answer is always those immigrants.
My first 2 thoughts are yeah right they came and stole your software engineering job, and what job? That back breaking one you weren’t going to work in the fields anyways as crops rot away? I can’t see you doing either. /s
it’s weird how they always have a problem with the immigrants taking their jobs and not business owners choosing to hire people they can pay less and exploit harder
Oh no, investing in companies that turns a profit, that investment simply would never make returns for me personally; especially if I diversify my investments.
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