Oh No, anyway

Magnetar, Can you translate into 24h clock?
nublug, uh, 3:30.
LemmyFeed, Can you convert that to a 10 hour clock?
Denvil, uh, 1:45:83
turbowafflz, Could I get it as a 13 hour clock with 56 seconds per minute?
refurbishedrefurbisher, …No.
turbowafflz, Fair enough, that sounds confusing
nao, 3:30
nublug, uh 1.458333, 3’s repeating of course
so that’s 1:27:30 when accounting for minutes instead of fractional ten-hours.
that is, of course if it’s a 10 hour DAY clock; if it’s a 10 hour am/pm clock then it’s 2.91666 6’s repeating fractional ten-am/pm-hours which is 2:54:59 am.
i think. i’m not super good at math, but i tried.
KingJalopy, ![]()
Go to sleep
Rolando, Can you convert that to Unix time? (seconds since Jan 1 1970).
SirQuackTheDuck, 12,600. No date was specified.
terminhell, (edited ) 1530 vs 0330
Edit: a number
evening_push579, 🤨
terminhell, Fat thumbed the wrong number XD
middlemanSI, 3:30 is ALWAYS AM
Pinklink, This meme is absurd because of course it’s in the morning otherwise it would have said 15:30
fastandcurious, Not a problem for ya’ll 24 hour users
FlyingSquid, ![]()
3:30 is half an hour before the dogs make me get up to feed them.
Bloodwoodsrisen, ![]()
“Why are the birds chirping-?”
devfuuu, Are those not the rightful hours?
pewpew, ![]()
Both. Both is good
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