Track_Shovel, (edited )
Alexstarfire, I just said last night it would be a shame if Kissinger outlived Jimmy Carter. And I thought no one was listening.
UrPartnerInCrime, Imma hold you responsible if something happens now
Karlos_Cantana, I hope I don't die that young.
nebula42, (edited ) I’m reading wikipedia, he seems like he was a good person. Is there something I’m missing?
edit: aaaaand there it is.
Bransonb3, What am I missing?
Roflmasterbigpimp, (edited ) He was deeply involved in toppling South American Governments and in violation of Human Rights. But in his early life he seemd to be a decent Man, so I have no Idea what happened to him. Maybe he got corrupted by Power.
Roflmasterbigpimp, Dafq happened with him. I just read his Wikipedia article. I his early Life he was a decent Man. But then he went from " Somewhere This Negativism Must End " to “okay let’s topple some Governments and who the fuck cares about Human rights.”
faintwhenfree, Lizard people kidnapped him and replaced him with a close under their control
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