catsup, this mf doesn’t respect rivers smh /j
AVincentInSpace, last I checked most rivers were not that thin
catsup, Ya ever looked at a map?
AVincentInSpace, well ye but I mean in real life. If you’re willing to go up to a river and flip it off you better not chicken out when you see how big it is
catsup, 💀
swab148, If you want to defund my sweater…
ExfilBravo, Hold this blue thread as I walk away…
Catoblepas, … you gotta defund my friends?
HonoraryMancunian, This guy was one half of a duo that holds a very special place in 12-year-old-me’s heart
lars, Spill the tea
lars, Whoa — you’re about 8472729737382 times cooler than me. I didn’t even know such a show existed.
HonoraryMancunian, Being pre-internet and shown on terrestrial TV with its plethora of (random, funny, weird) softcore porn, it was a very coming-of-age show for a lot of us now in our 30s and 40s
TeddE, For a fraction of a second, my poor heart skipped a beat, hoping Pushing Daisies had some new news. 😅
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