Hurry up.

moosetwin, (edited ) ![]()
Norgur, So, let's go then
No, we can't go yet
Why not?
We are waiting
Waiting? For whom?
For Godot!
Oh, yeah!
altima_neo, ![]()
I don’t get it
Mrderisant, Waiting for Godot is a book.
mkwt, It’s a play. And the famous spoiler is that ::: spoiler Spoiler Godot never shows up :::.
doctorn, ![]()
“Where is your Godot now!”
… Sorry, couldn’t help myself. 😅😂
voidMainVoid, Well, yeah, that is one of the interpretations.
funkless_eck, no. Beckett specifically said “If I meant God I would have written God.”
He also wrote in French, where God is “Dieu” and Godot is “Gohdough” so the pun doesn’t work
jaybone, He was waiting for good dough.
MBM, I don’t think that spoiler worked. Maybe because it’s all on the same line
can, (edited ) Heads-up, that spoiler formatting might not work for users not on Sync.
mkwt, I’m on jerboa, and the spoiler part works okay for me. But it somehow swallowed the first part of the post.
I haven’t looked on the web client.
can, I checked and it doesn’t work at all on the web.
Hagarashi8, Yeah, doesn’t work on boost.
saigot, (edited ) Which is weird
spoilerbecause boost has a button to add spoilers.
cm0002, Ohhhhh, I thought it was about Godot, the C# game engine
mindbleach, That’s what it’s named after! “The engine you’ve been waiting for.”
AeroLemming, I took it to mean that too and thought it was saying that there was some update that was taking forever. We already got 4 though, so it wouldn’t make any sense being posted lately.
TheyCallMeHacked, No, it’s a play
AnUnusualRelic, ![]()
Published in 52 by Les Éditions de Minuit. In a book.
“En attendant Godot”
TheyCallMeHacked, Yeah sure, I’ll admit defeat. Btw, weird flex for an Irishman to write a play in French…
BonesOfTheMoon, That makes me feel old. It’s Waiting for Godot the classic play.
can, (edited ) Don’t feel old. A lot of people just aren’t into plays.
BonesOfTheMoon, Did you read it in high school? I did. And I’m old haha.
can, No, I never heard of it, sorry lol. I’m not really into plays though and I’m Canadian so it might not be part of our curriculum.
BonesOfTheMoon, I am also Canadian. But probably old enough to be your mom.
can, You could be but she’s not very old. Could be a province or eastcoast/westcoast thing too.
BonesOfTheMoon, I think I read it in drama class.
altima_neo, (edited ) ![]()
I mean Im over 40 and Ive never heard of it. We didnt read plays in high school.
BonesOfTheMoon, Wow, we read all kinds of plays in English and drama class.
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