Mothra, Jeff, you’re killing it!
Jeff, Thank you!
sexy_peach, awww, you’re sweet
DmMacniel, Why is Jeff missing an arm?
Jeff, On this very night, ten years ago, along this very stretch of road in a dense fog just like this. I saw the worst accident I ever seen. There was this sound, like a garbage truck dropped off the Empire State Building…
Jtee, Know the work rules
ch00f, Because OP didn’t want to pay for content-aware fill.
Diabolo96, People were screaming when art generations was created. Adope yoinks it, change its name and make you pay for it and it became the norm ? Bruh…
Anyway , try stable diffusion with comfyUi , automatic1111.
ch00f, ‘Twas joke
SomeBoyo, We don’t talk about that here.
rotopenguin, Jeff didn’t follow the machine shop floor rules.
Sculptor9157, That’s why you always leave a note.
Dudewitbow, People and their loose sleeves
Spaghetti_Hitchens, That's why Jeff has a desk job now
MamboGator, I had to check the original to make sure I haven’t been missing something this whole time.
evulhotdog, Diabeetus.
hakunawazo, (edited ) He had been holding his stapler too tightly.
LordGimp, Lookin all right Jeff.
Haha, He had to point with the left arm huh…
DoucheAsaurus, I found the gator that took your arm Jeff.
CannedTuna, Why the fuck is he missing an arm?
mustbe3to20signs, Diabetes, the only thing sweeter than him is his blood…
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