Yeah, this is one of the worst. It can do this tag team thing with “wait, did I actually remember to turn my alarm on this time…?” too. Horribly effective duo.
And of course, doing so is what keeps you awake and keeps the number getting smaller.
Some more sleeping tips:
Stay off your phone.
If you have to do something but don’t want to because you’re going to interrupt your sleep progress, just do it and don’t worry about it as long as you take less than 15 minutes.
Stay out of bed when you’re not trying to sleep. Condition yourself to associate your bed solely with sleep.
Keep your alarm clock across the room so you have to get up to snooze it. Disable voice snoozing. Then you won’t have to worry about sleeping through it.
Read a book for at least half an hour with a warm white book lamp (or if using a backlit eReader, use the warmest temperature setting on the backlight).
If you have RGB LEDs, set them to red when it gets close to bedtime as well.
I meant line 2 (it’s actually a joke the math professors on the writing team of the Simpsons put in there: it doesn’t disprove Fermat’s Theorem, but most calculators at the time didn’t have the accuracy to cumpute that directly, which is kind of the joke)
No, but you just discovered a hidden nerd-bait joke from the show’s creators. One of the guys working on the show created some sort of program that could generate close-but-not-quite solutions. The one shown here isn’t actually equal, but they are close enough that the difference won’t show up without a more precise calculator, since both sides are roughly 6.397665635 x 10^43^.
I used to use until it was bought by some shitty company that sells mattresses or something and subsequently went to ugly bloated ad-infested “modernized” shit.
I just checked again for the first time in a while and it seems to have improved since it was first redesigned, though it’s still not as simple and lightweight as it once was.
Anyways. It helped when I used it. Kept a shortcut right on my home screen for the longest time. If you can look past the stupid brand name they’ve chosen to redirect to, it’s worth a shot.
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