medical insurance is a must, otherwise you are gambling and the chances to lose this bet are quite high.
funerals happen unexpected - when they actually absolutely do not. Everybody can be sure to die, so plan accordingly.
being “in deep credit card debt” is too late. One should never have swam out this far. Being “a tiny little bit in debt” should have the alarm bells blasting as financing is not self sustaining, “a tiny litte bit” is already much too late already because you’ve entered the spiral
student debts - well, not everybody has to study. If you can’t afford it reflect on it, if you really must. And if yes, seek alternatives like leaving the country tht is hell-bent to enslave you in debt if you want to study, find sponsors, arrange it with your expectations about a longer time horizon, etc. You are not able to pay for it? Do not do it! Seek solutions.