Don’t let incel types cause you to shape your impression of why you’re being rejected and turn it into a reason to hate a whole gender. Some of them have shitty standards, sure, but don’t turn it into a rule about them. That leads to a downward spiral.
Absolutely, I agree. What I was trying to convey is that to me it never feels like I am enough. I know rejection is part of the game. However, it does hit hard—it affects my self-esteem. That is my problem and I need to work on that.
Still, I think you can agree there is a lot of competition going on. It’s axiomatic that there are more men on dating apps than women. That leaves me at a disadvantage. To make matters worse, these apps are designed to judge someone based on looks. I am pretty fit, though nowhere near extremely strong. Just plain average.
I don’t blame women for choosing the top percent of men on these apps (if the roles were reversed I would’ve likely done the same). Yet for someone the likes of me the only winning move is not to play.
Also, I am no misogynist. I don’t abhor women for being rejected. They don’t owe me anything. That is not to say that I don’t find the process of finding a love companion difficult.