SocialMediaRefugee, I go on Wikipedia to look up a region in central Europe and an hour later find myself reading about obscure events in the 30 years war.
Letstakealook, I’m extremely prone to this. On several occasions, I’ve looked up a word using kindles built in library, then see an interesting related word, then I see an unfamiliar word on the same page, then there’s a link about pronunciation, before, finally, I think to myself “Motherfucker, have you been reading the dictionary for an hour?”
boydster, I was just gifted a dictionary of etymology. The Barnhart one. I might be leading you down a dark path here, but you may want to consider adding it to your word-lookup routine if you’re having fun with what you’re doing already.
Rowsdower, deleted_by_author
Classy, Metatarsophylangial joint
bobs_monkey, If you like the Wikipedia rabbit hole, check out the Wiki game on your given app store. The basic idea is that you have two separate topics, and you have try to link to the second from the first in as few clicks and time as possible. It’s actually quite fun and you end up reading about some really random stuff.
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