HurlingDurling, Its not actually, most of the oil was from plants that died before fungus and decaying bacteria evolved so the dead logs just sat there and would not decompose ever
UnrepententProcrastinator, I thought this was the story of charcoal.
bobby_hill, Most oil (like, 99% of it, IIRC) is from decayed plant matter, not animal matter.
idunnololz, ![]()
It’s not saying they turned into oil. They turned into an oil rig. /s
spicytuna62, ![]()
But that’d make a lot of sense when you consider the fact that trees outnumber people like 380:1.
Zehzin, (edited ) ![]()
While we’re being pedantic about dinosaurs and children’s cartoons (my favorite pasttime), Littlefoot and Spike would have lived like 90 million years apart from Cera.
usualsuspect191, And Ducky shouldn’t have eyelashes. Wait, does Cera have external ears??
Cornelius_Wangenheim, It’s actually mostly plankton. Most traditional oil deposits formed from shallow seas.
barberousse, ![]()
Too soon !
GCostanzaStepOnMe, ![]()
Actually it’s a common myth that fossil fuels are made up of Dinosaurs. They’re mostly made up of Silesaurs and to small parts Pisanosaurs.
Bootheal0179, ![]()
My car is CNG so, a good 80% termite & bovine farts get me from here to there.
WarmSoda, Yup yup
samus12345, ![]()
OG Ducky’s voice actress… T_T
teft, ![]()
variants, this baby gets 12 little feets to the gallon
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