nebula42, Tbh sometimes I get surprised about who gets in drama (especially childhood YouTubers), but even then I just don’t want to know what they did.
TheDeepState, Same as people who disagree on Lemmy.
NocturnalMorning, I disagree vehemently with your take on this.
TheDeepState, I disagree with your disagreement.
Rolando, Not only do I disagree with both of you, but I don’t even care enough to make a meme about it.
TheDeepState, I can not believe that you really disagree with both of us, insert ad hominem attack.
gedaliyah, Thank you for saying it! I thought it was just me lol
BradPittIsGod, You aren’t alone, my brother.
hibsen, I think it wouldn’t annoy me so much if I knew who any of them were. Seeing something about Globglopr having beef with Cronchstan just makes me think I’ve had a stroke.
lobut, For other possible curious readers, the individuals that are being reference don’t exist. I had to check just for the fun of it.
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