Coasting0942, 1 year ago Third party fact checkers have rated this claim as false
Third party fact checkers have rated this claim as false
WarmSoda, 1 year ago Cue Baulders Gate dice roll
Cue Baulders Gate dice roll
Aurenkin, 1 year ago Insight check: 18. You are able to tell that God was lying.
Insight check: 18.
You are able to tell that God was lying.
WarmSoda, 1 year ago (edited 7 months ago) Failed: After trying to kill multiple innocent people while gambling with his right hand angel, God drowns all of humanity during a temper tantrum. You find yourself on a ship filled with one family and two of each animal.
Failed: After trying to kill multiple innocent people while gambling with his right hand angel, God drowns all of humanity during a temper tantrum. You find yourself on a ship filled with one family and two of each animal.
Aurenkin, 1 year ago Unfortunately, you have been chosen to host all the parasites and diseases so they will survive the flood. Make a constitution roll.
Unfortunately, you have been chosen to host all the parasites and diseases so they will survive the flood.
Make a constitution roll.
WarmSoda, 1 year ago (edited 7 months ago) Save failed. You now live for 60 years instead of 2000. Oh, and heavens gates are now closed.
Save failed. You now live for 60 years instead of 2000. Oh, and heavens gates are now closed.
Aurenkin, 1 year ago Well that certainly seems like a proportionate punishment for eating some fruit.
Well that certainly seems like a proportionate punishment for eating some fruit.
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