This is /c/memes, not /c/funny or /c/jokes. Memes are the sharing of popular things. Amogus are popular. Memes don’t have to be funny, they’re not jokes.
It’s the hilarity of repetitive behavior for no obvious reason mostly, tbh. It’s admittedly something not everyone sees as funny, though… Many will see repetitive nonsense, that seems to have no origin worthy of it, as annoying and it can even drive them mad, but it’s that very thing which they find annoying what makes it funny to the rest of us. 🤷♂️
You could compare it to laughing with ironic misfortune of oneself. Some will curse after falling down the stairs, while others will find it funny in a situational way and laugh it off…
I myself can appreciate a repetitive nonsense meme that seems to be a wave through the world’s people, though. It makes no real sense, and I might even go as far as calling it sus… 😅
You may also want to check out: – as I think this is the ControlNet trained for this kind of thing - they just replaced QR codes with text/silhouettes
I’m pretty sure that yes, this would work - Though I’ve never used colab, I’ve always run local on my RTX 3090 24gb. Stable diffusion wants LOTS of VRAM.
I’m pretty sure that yes, this would work - Though I’ve never used colab, I’ve always run local on my RTX 3090 24gb. Stable diffusion wants LOTS of VRAM.
Yeah I can access A100’s V100’s and T4s at 10 bucks a month. Its been very much worth it.
I just found a cup full of iced coffee in my kitchen that I must have made this morning (it is almost 8pm now) but I don't remember making it nor do I remember forgetting that I made it.
Am I the Imposter or am I the only one among us?
Edit: now that I think of it, this isn't the first time that's happened, I already wasted a perfectly fine iced coffee over the night between yesterday and today, in pretty much the same way.
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