Reddit moment!
Source: @MrLovenstein
Source: @MrLovenstein
DaveNa, This is the meme that made me create an account here. Barely using reddit now, but I noticed these last days they were pushing lukewarm content to the top. And a lot of content on phone web browsers was/is locked, could only read the first 2 or 3 answers.
Neirin_D, Threads is view-only without the app, so no using it on PC. Probably because they wouldn’t be able to get as much data. I would never use it anyway but it’s so stupid.
moonmeow, You can at least view threads without logging in? That’s better than instagram usually forces login. Still won’t use it.
PissinSelfNdriveway, I will never use Pinterest because of this shit. I just want to see the pic I found on Google, I will not download your bullshit to see it.
- sets browser to request the desktop site instead *
MsPenguinette, website immediately forgets this setting
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