This is the exact opposite for me… i get depressed and ashamed about my decisions before bed, and often vow to do better in the morning. It’s in the morning I can’t be trusted, when I suddenly forget all those desires to do better because it’s too much work.
I’m very much the same. There’s a song a like called difficulties of getting out of bed by Knapsack that I felt describes this feeling well:
And it’s difficult to get out of bed I can’t remember the Things I said, what I told myself last night I think I wasted my time again
Luckily I’m out of that place now. I hope you get there too, if you’re in it.
The song also starts with the line:
I really wish my cactus never died
Which I really like because cactuses are typically the easiest plant to keep alive. But the speaker is struggling so much that even though they really like their cactus, they still can’t take care of it. I think it’s quite poignant.