dullbananas, Mabulance
rotopenguin, AACB
Steamymoomilk, Mar and da wrights. You have the right to keep talking
player_thr33, Noice
Hegar, Ploice is how you say please in Australia
sethboy66, I always loved the how the line "rise up lights" when pronounced with an American or English accent is 'razor blades' in an Australian accent.
Hegar, That's great! I overheard a Scottish couple talking about how Japanese "my sore toe" sounds. With their accents it was a lot like masato, which does seem to be a japanese name.
eatham, Nah, we say plees
TubeTalkerX, I loved imported Ice from Poland!
Gork, I think the phone number in the song is better written in cadence to the music
0118 999 88199 9119 725… 3
OptimsticDolphin, The only phone number I have memorised…
Cysioland, Ah yes, quoting the transphobic show written by the renowned transphobe Graham Linehan
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