Catsrules, It is just a fight to the faint, so it is totally fine.
drew_belloc, ![]()
Unless your pokemon is a spoink
Omega_Haxors, Fainting in the original: Death
Fainting in the game: Passing out
Fainting in the gameplay: “I don’t want to fight any more but if you want me to fly you across the country that’s fine”
Knusper, Yeah, and at least those are their pets and they don’t, like, violently kidnap wild Pokémon to force those into fights.
vaxpy, Then you appear outside a pokecenter just remembering you lost a battle, with half tour money stolen.
ThePyroPython, It depends on how intense Picachu is.
Catsrules, Picachu weapons free
ForgetReddit, Who is the artist? Looks like KC Green.
ForgetReddit, Quick internet search confirms it is KC Green:…/lets-fight-our-pets-to-the-death/
Always remember to credit the artist!
thorbot, I’d credit them if I knew who it was
redcalcium, They’re doing nuzlocke challenge?
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