MonsiuerPatEBrown, 1 year ago I didn’t believe in astrology until! I read that as we leave the age of Piscean Age of hookey bullshit and then enter the age of aquarius hookey woowoo bullishit that humans are leaving a time of Christ and entering a time of Proponents of medieval astrology suggest that the Pisces world where religion is the opiate of the masses will be replaced in the Aquarian Age by a world ruled by secretive, power-hungry elites seeking absolute power over others; that knowledge in the Aquarian Age will only be valued for its ability to win wars; that knowledge and science will be abused, not industry and trade; and that the Aquarian Age will be a Dark Age in which religion is considered offensive. … and that for a moment made me go … huh.
I didn’t believe in astrology until!
I read that as we leave the age of Piscean Age of hookey bullshit and then enter the age of aquarius hookey woowoo bullishit that humans are leaving a time of Christ and entering a time of
Proponents of medieval astrology suggest that the Pisces world where religion is the opiate of the masses will be replaced in the Aquarian Age by a world ruled by secretive, power-hungry elites seeking absolute power over others; that knowledge in the Aquarian Age will only be valued for its ability to win wars; that knowledge and science will be abused, not industry and trade; and that the Aquarian Age will be a Dark Age in which religion is considered offensive.
… and that for a moment made me go … huh.